Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Dynasty Family Part 5 - Ch..Ch..Ch..Changes!

My sleepwalking and diarrhea continued....there was a whole lot of "more of the same" for a very long time. But eventually, my son Preston grew into the teen years!
Handsome young man, huh? I think he looks like his mother.
Not long after, Triple B made their transition over to childhood and I knew I was in for a wild ride with these three!
The party was going okay I guess........but then...... The birthday cake exploded!!!!!! What a nightmare! I really thought we were all gonna die!
After the fire was extinguished, the party was pretty much over.
But at least the girls got their cake! Brittany and Bridget still look alike, but they are very different in personality. It should be interesting to see what kind of teenagers they turn into when the time comes!
And of course there's oddball Bethany. I think she tries to look like her sister's so that she's not singled out. But she can't quite get there.
Brittany and Bridget are very close, which often leaves poor little Bethany alone.
But Bethany is very rescourceful! She likes to ask her friends for cash so she can buy candy at the corner store.
When they oblige her, she often asks for more.....
But if they have no money, she just asks them if she can mooch some food off them.
The girls seem to really be growing up fast!
Here's the layout of my house now, after the renovations we did.
We even have a dining room table now that fits almost all of us.
Though unfortunately some nights........this is the only available seat.
We were still struggling financially, so Preston offerred to get a part-time job to help us out. I didn't really want him to....I would rather him focus on his grades, but he's such a mature, good kid - I pretty much let him do what he wants.
He spends alot of time chatting with his friends - he's not as sociable as he was as a kid. Once he got a computer, it seems that is his life now!
Alot happened after the girls became kids. Heather decided to quit her job as the Mayor's personal assistant so that she could write full time. She was being paid for a few articles she submitted to the newspaper and magazines, and had even started working on her first novel! I was proud of her! She was really enjoying being home to take care of the house, cook, and be there when the kids got home from school. Financially, we were still struggling, but because everyone seemed happier in our family, the financial problems didn't seem as bad.
Things were going so well, in fact........that we were having woo hoo like crazy!
I had noticed Brittany and Bridget were really keeping Bethany out of the loop. They were whispering about her, and just generally not being very good sisters. I knew that this was what siblings sometimes do, but I worried for Bethany. One day I even caught Brit and Bridg plotting to put Bethany into the trashcan!!
Oh boy.......I think we know what this means. This could change everything.
Before we knew it, the girls were entering the teen years. I have dreaded this moment since the day they were born. Having 4 teenagers in the house, 3 of them's going to be a challenge.
So here they 3 angelic girls. Well, almost angelic. Bridget and Brittany are more on teh preppy side. They love boys, love talking about boys, they make decent grades, and did I mention they like boys? Bridget is very smart, she could be a straight A student, but she doesn't apply herself. She's too busy worrying guessed it....boys. And of course there's Bethany, my runt, the apple of my eye. She's definitely NOT like her sisters. She dresses wildly, wears glasses, has short hair instead of long hair, and has no interest in boys at all. She's not the best student though....and often talks about quitting school.

So what's next for this family? Preston is becoming a man, and starting with Part 6, our story will be told from his point of view. Will his parents ever stop having children? His father is getting older, and his mother isn't far will they care for their new baby (or will it be babies)? Will his sister's find happiness? Will Preston be able to land a good job when he graduates high school? Will all his online chatting actually lead to something good? Wait and see!

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