Sunday, November 8, 2009

Dynasty Family Part 1 - Roman Dynasty

Well hi there! My name is Roman Dynasty. I've just moved to Riverview and bought a big piece of land for myself. I heard Riverside was "the place to be" if you wanted to be an artist, which is of course my dream! Actually my REAL dream is to have a wonderful wife and lots of cute little kids, but hey, I'm still just a kid and there's plenty of time for all that. So a little about me, I'm broke for starters. I have $1,300 left to my name after I bought this land. I have no job. I love to paint. And my traits are: Family Oriented, Loves the Outdoors, Artistic, Perfectionist, and Friendly.
WOW this town is huge. Say, Cabbie, can you tell me where the happening place to go is for artists? "Sure obvious place would be....oh I don't know....the ART GALLERY!?!" Apparently sarcasm is not lacking here in Riverview.

If I could paint like THAT, I would be filthy rich!

Now I must warn you. I am not the best artist. I need alot of practice before I get really good. The art gallery even had a place for starving artists like myself to work! I could live in here....and since I just spent all my money on land with no house, I might mean that literally!
Just when I was getting all into my artwork, some girl approached me and asked me if I worked here. She said she wanted to buy a $10,000 painting upstairs. Sheesh, I wish I was that artist! Maybe someday! She introduced herself to me as Laurel. She seems nice but, not really my type. Trust me, I am looking for Mrs. Right.....but this lady was just too "uppity" for me.
Ahh my work is complete! See, I told you I'm not very good yet.
I was having so much fun painting, I just couldn't stop! I tried to make a portrait of Laurel didn't quite come out right.
Back to the streets I guess, it's getting late in the day. I saw this gorgeous girl walking down the street and I just HAD to introduce myself to her. Her name is Betty and she's in high school. Wait....back up.....high school? Seriously? Jail bait. Moving on.
I was getting really hungry so I popped into the market to see what I could get for cheap.
Mmmmmm an apple. It really hit the spot!
Sniff sniff. I was really starting to stink and I had to pee badly. So I went into the gym where I found the answer to my problems - a toilet and shower - how bout that!
The hot water felt great and I was squeaky clean!
Now it was getting REALLY late, and I was feeling tired. I walked to the library to see if there was a couch or something I could nap on. Nothing. Just uncomfortable chairs.
Finally I was just so exhausted that I crashed on a park bench. So embarrassing! I look homeless. Oh wait......I am.
I awoke the next morning with a sore back and neck, surrounded by homeless people. At first I was scared, but all they wanted to do was welcome me to their "neighborhood". I assured them I wasn't planning to stay, but asked if they could offer me any tips on how I can get some food. One guy told me to check out the community garden and boy was he right! Tons of fresh veggies and fruit!
I ate until I was about to pop, and then I headed to the market to sell my goods. Maybe not the most honest way to make a living, but it'll do in a pinch!
As I stepped outside, I saw an angel....a beautiful girl who I really wanted to meet! Just as I was about to approach her, she waved to a friend and ran off. I seriously have to meet this girl. Well I guess if it's meant to be, our paths will cross again!
What luck! I found this old bed at a yard sale for $300! May sound pricey, but the money I made selling veggies sure did help! It'll do until I can afford something better.
After my score at the yard sale, I headed to the gym for another shower and shave. It was alot busier this time, and some girl approached me and suggested that I lift some weights. Apparently she didn't think I was buff enough. Oh well, I'm an artist, not an athlete. Just for good measure though, I chatted with her for a bit and discovered that she too was in high school. Drat!
After my shower, I headed over the to library to use the computer. I have come to realize that I need a regular job. My art, selling stolen veggies and my good looks can only take me so far. I need my own easel, and I need a house for goodness sakes! So I did some searching and found out that the local cafe is hiring. I'm not really into cooking but it pays $25 an hour so I am game!
Stay tuned for part 2!

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