Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Dynasty Family Part 3 - Two of a Kind, Workin' on a Full House!

Our relationship was off to a fantastic start! We had been married for 3 short months, but we were more in-love than ever before. I got a new job at the science laboratory which was really interesting and fun, and it paid alot more than working at the restaurant! Heather was still working for the Mayor and had even been promoted! Unbeknownst to me at the time, Heather was secretly worried. She hadn't been feeling too great lately, and after consulting with one of her co-workers, she began to wonder if maybe she was pregnant.
We both wanted children, but 3 months after we were married felt a bit soon to Heather. She went to the library and read every book she could find before she came to the realization that yes, she was indeed expecting!
The only questions in her mind now were 1) how will she tell me? and 2) how will I react?
After much contemplation, she went out and bought a teddy bear and a crib and waited for me to get home from work one day.
"Roman, I know it's only been 3 months......but.......well.....we're pregnant!!!"
I was initially shocked, but elated! I couldn't wait to start a family with Heather! "Hi there little junior or juniorette...can't wait to meet you!"
The months seemed to drag on and on. Heather was on maternity leave and I was working my butt off at the science lab. One morning, Heather called me at work and said "It's time!". I stupidly said "time for what?" and then I heard her screaming in agony, hung up the phone and in about 5 seconds I had whisked her away to the hospital!
Walking into the hospital, I knew my life was about to change forever. It was no longer about Heather and me. It was about to be all about this baby!
When Heather was released from the hospital, we brought home our beautiful baby boy, Preston. He was everything I dreamed he would be, and more!
The next several months were difficult for both of us. I went to work, Heather stayed home to take care of Preston and clean the house. I felt bad for her. I knew how much her career meant to her, but she assured me that her career could wait - having a family was more important to her right now.
We rarely had time to woo hoo. When I say rarely, I mean NEVER! We were both just so exhausted. We were blissful new parents, but it was taking some adjusting. We were finally able to afford a shower and toilet though, whew!
We spent our evenings reading to Preston because we heard that reading to babies made them smarter! So we would take turns and Preston seemed to love it. It always calmed him down when he was fussy.
Before I knew it, it was my birthday - I finally became an "adult"! I hope this doesn't mean I have to start acting like one!!
To celebrate, my lovely wife treated me to a little woo-hooing!
But just a few weeks later, Heather was puking and we both knew - she was pregnant again!! We were shocked, a tiny bit disappointed because she was looking forward to going back to work, but at the same time we were thrilled because we both wanted a big family and we were thankful that Heather didn't have any trouble getting pregnant!
During that long 9 months of waiting, Preston turned ONE!
He was a very happy toddler....and so adorable!
He really loved baby food! He was also starting to have some personality to him! He was a perfectionist, clumsy and athletic!
Heather spent her days either vomiting or teaching Preston how to talk, walk, and potty! He was a smart kid and picked up really fast on everything! We were doing great money-wise and could finally afford to make our bedroom more private, which was a must with Preston getting older.
One night, Heather shot straight out of bed and screamed. It scared the crap out of me, but I knew what that scream meant. It was TIME.......again!!
As we headed out the door to the hospital after calling a sitter, I took one last glance at my son, knowing that he was about to be a big brother! It was a bittersweet moment.
And just like that, our lives took a dramatic turn. We didn't have just one baby.......not just two babies......we had THREE babies, and wouldn't you know it.....ALL GIRLS! I shuddered to think what the teen years would be like. We were totally unprepared for this, and I had to rush home and sell some things before Heather brought the girls home so that we could afford 3 more cribs. Once she came home and we got them all settled in, the house was quiet. It would not stay like that for long though. It was about to get really noisy! But for now it was quiet, and I looked at my beautiful new daughters with a sense of awe. The firstborn was Bethany and she was born with the grumpy and friendly traits - odd combination. She must be an oddball!
Next up was a set of identical twins, Brittany........loner and artistic (like her dad) and....
Bridget.....the little runt......loves the outdoors and couch potato. Again, interesting combination!
Just as I predicted, things got insanely noisy. Heather and I thought we were exhausted when Preston was born.....this was so much worse I can't even explain it. I didn't get a full nights sleep for months. Heather and I were at each other's throats. She hardly got out of the house because we couldn't afford to hire the 2 babysitters it would take to keep things going. We both knew that this was a part of it, and that it wouldn't last forever, but this was a true challenge for our marriage!!
In fact, I was so exhausted that one day at the science lab, something exploded right in my face. I was a bit singed and it scared me half to death - otherwise I was okay.
At long last, things were starting to improve at home. It was time for Preston's birthday when he would officially become a "child" and would start school! It would give Heather a little bit of a break during the day, not having to take care of 3 babies and a toddler running around the house too.Coming up in part 4.........How will Preston look as a child? Will Heather and Roman finally get some time to themselves? Will the stresses get the better of them and break them up? Will Heather finally get to go back to work, or will she end up terminally pregnant? Stay tuned to find out!

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