Friday, November 13, 2009

Dynasty Family Part 6 - Preson Dynasty

Hello! I'm Preston Dynasty. Now that my parents are getting older, I figured it was time for me to take over the story. Things were pretty crazy in our house for a while. I spent alot of time alone while my family did their own thing.
Mom had the twins....Lauren and Larissa.
Here they are as toddlers....aren't they adorable?
When Lauren and Larissa got to school age, mom and dad decided to send them to a fancy boarding school. They were actually really excited to go!!
Dad retired from the science lab and was actually making a pretty good living with his painting now that he had more free time. He and mom decided to buy a condo in Floridasim and left ME the house!!! I was thrilled, but kind of nervous about taking over a whole house!
"What on earth am I going to do?", I wondered. I had always been surrounded by my sisters (who by the way, had moved out into an apartment together), mom, dad, and then Lauren and Larissa when they came along. I was hardly ever alone until just recently when everyone seemed to go their own way.
I knew that step one would be: get a job, any job.
With mom and dad gone, and with a little help from some of dad's retirement fund, I did a little redecorating first. I no longer needed so many bedrooms, so I converted Triple B's old room to the kitchen, creating a larger living room. I moved into mom and dad's old room, which was a little weird. And my old bedroom became my office - err computer room.
I accepted the first job offer that came my way, which happened to be "paper boy". Working for the newspaper office was going to be a great way for me to get my foot in the door with my writing career though, so I accepted the job happily!
After a week or two of lonliness, I decided to pay a visit to my sister's Bridget, Brittany and Bethany. Bethany and I are really the only ones who are close. Brit and Bridg have always been so close with each other than they kind of shut the rest of us out. It was great seeing Bethany!
I even got to play with my baby nephew Leonel! Isn't he adorable? Bethany got pregnant out of wedlock and I don't even think she knows who the father is. Or maybe it's someone she doesn't want knowing? I don't know - either way, Leonel is my little buddy already!
After my visit with Bethany, I decided to fly down to Florida for the weekend to visit mom and dad. Lauren and Larissa were home for the weekend and it was great seeing them too. They're such sweet girls!
A couple of weeks passed, and I had already been promoted to junior reporter at the newspaper! At the same time, I was writing and submitting books to my publisher, who usually told me I had written crap. I kept working hard though, and one day I got a phone call.
It was my publisher! One of the top scientists in the city wanted someone to write a biography on MY dad, Roman Dynasty! My publisher had recommended me, considering I had inside knowledge being his son and all! I agreed and was overjoyed! Could this be my first REAL published book?
I called my dad and excitedly told him the news. He rushed right up from Floridasim and agreed to the interview....provided I promise to buy him a sports car if it makes me rich and famous!
Things were going great. The promotion at work, writing a book that would actually be published, and I had even met someone online that I was pretty interested in, but we were just friends. One night I needed to borrow a cup of sugar and saw my neighbor's porch light on, so I went over to ask if she could help me out. We had never met before, only waved in passing on the street. Her name was Mrs. Lessen and she was fairly good looking but quite a bit older than me.
We chatted for a bit, talked about my job, and she offered to be the subject of any interviews I wanted to do. I thanked her and she ran off to get my sugar and told me to make myself at home.
What happened next is kind of hard to explain. In fact, I am embarrased to admit what I did. While walking around in her living room, I got the oddest sensation. I just HAD to take something of hers. I don't know why I felt this way, but it was uncontrollable! The next thing I knew, I had stolen some items and ran home without even getting my cup of sugar!
I nervously waited for the police to come and haul me away, but they never did. I guess Mrs. Lessen is so rich, she doesn't even notice when something is stolen!! My first round of stolen goods was actually pretty lucrative, almost $3,000 worth! But I needed the furniture, so I decided to keep it! I got this awesome couch....
Beautiful picture on the wall, and this comfy easychair!
I decided to try and put my little indescretion out of my mind and keep plugging away on my book. I guess I must have just flipped out that night or something! I was sure it wouldn't happen again.
Two nights later......I found myself snooping around Mr. Wilson's house, another neighbor. Peeking through the windows to see if he had anything worth my while!
Yep, you guessed it. Mr. Wilson wasn't even home, and I broke into his house and stole these two chairs and a lamp. This time I sold them on the black market and made almost $500!!
That night, I couldn't sleep. At first I thought it was guilt, but then I realized no.....this erm.....habit.....of mine was giving me tons of ideas for my writing! I hopped out of bed at 3am and just kept writing and writing!
I kept stealing from my neighbors so much that I just knew I would get caught. I got this cabinet, lamp on the wall, and a trashcan one night....
Another night I went to Mr. Jones' house and this time I pretended I was doing a piece on farmer's who suddenly win the lottery and find themselves rich!
I told him that part of my work process involved touring the get a feel for who he is before I interview him. He bought my story hook, line, and sinker! This was too easy!
One of my "finds" from Mr. Jones' house was this weird Urn.
Oh and I got this nice table and lamp too. Almost another $500....score!
The urn I just wasn't sure about. I tried to open it, but it was pretty tightly sealed. I figured it was just some cheesy decoration and sat it in the kitchen. I thought of these days I'll pry the lid off and use it as a flour cannister!
My writing was going better than ever....I was submitting book, 2 of which were on the SIMTIMES best seller list! Work was going great too, I was now Senior Reporter!!
I hadn't seen Bethany or Leonel in almost a year, so I decided to pay them a visit. He had gotten so big, I could hardly believe my eyes!
Bethany had been having a tough time lately, being a single mother. She said that she got fired from her job because she missed ONE day in the 8 months she worked there, because Leonel was sick and couldn't stay with a babysitter. I was shocked to hear of this, and asked if I could write an article about the plight of single mother's in Riverview.
Afterwards, I told Bethany all about my promotion, which was was happy to hear about!
I even helped little Leonel learn how to walk!!
That night, I decided to rummage through Mr. Wilson's garbage....he wasn't home and well...I was bored. Apparently he had noticed that someone had stolen something from his house, so he installed a new alarm system. So breaking in would be a no-no for me from now on. It was too risky. I would rather befriend these rich folks, earn their trust, and then rip them off. Much better plan, don't you think?
While rifling through Mr. Jones' garbage, I didn't find much. A teddy bear, some bubble bath, a big rock, and a bunch of useless crap. Unsatisfied, I decided to pay Mrs. Lessen a visit. This time I had the misfortune of meeting her daughter, Sharika. I could tell she hated me from the start. This made me feel even better about stealing HER 2 prized guitar's while she was in the shower!!
Meanwhile I continued to work.....being a reporter was alot of fun,and I got to wear this cool outfit.
One night, my boss asked me for a favor. He wanted me to throw a little party for Lin, a co-worker, at the local bar. I agreed, knowing it would score me some points with the boss. We started off with some cocktails...
I grilled some hot dogs....
And the party began! We were having a great time, when out of the corner of my eye, I spotted Anita! She and I had been friends in high school. Actually she was more like Bethany's friend, but I had a secret crush on her. She was a little older than me, but now that we were both adults, not enough to make a difference. We hugged and it felt great being so close to her!
I told Anita about my job, and found out that she was unemployed. At first I thought it was odd, but she explained that she was caring for her elderly mother.
I hinted around to find out if she was married or seeing anyone, just out of curiosity of course. I really had a thing for the girl I had met on the internet, but we hadn't met in person yet and weren't exclusive, so there was no harm in doing a little flirting with my old friend Anita, right?
Anita and I seemed to really hit it off, but we were both a little tipsy. I couldn't help but wonder if maybe that's why she was attracted to me - beer goggles - since she didn't give me the time of day when we were in high school.
Just then I got a phone was Bethany. "You won't believe whose here with me!" I said. Once I explained, Bethany was thrilled. I promised to give Anita her number and hung up.
Long after everyone else left the bar, Anita stuck around to help me clean up, which was nice of her. We decided to take a break and eat a couple of hot dogs. We chatted away until the bar closed, and then said goodnight. I now had a moral dilemma. End things with my internet romance? See both women? Would Anita even want to have a relationship with me, or was she only interested in being friends?
That night, I stumbled into my kitchen and could have sworn I saw something float out of that weird urn. I decided I must be really drunk and stressed from work, so I just put that thought out of my mind. In my drunken stupor, I knocked over the urn and out spilled a bunch of ashes! It was then I knew...........this was not good. I had stolen someone's ASHES!!!!! I knew karma was going to bite me on the butt, so I promptly threw the urn into the lake behind my house.
Weeks passed without a word from Anita. I continued chatting with my online "friend" but I did the right thing and told her that I had reconnected with someone from my past and wasn't sure where it was going. My "friend" shocked me by saying that she too had met someone else, and asked if we could just be friends for now. Meanwhile at work, I was promoted again. This time I was in charge of reviewing all the local hangouts, bars, concerts, restaurants, and movie theatres! Now THIS was a job I knew I would love. I can eat and have fun and get paid to do it.
After writing my review one night, that old sensation came back.....I knew that I would have to get out of the house that night.....and see if I could find something, steal!!
Coming up in Part 7 - Will Preston ever get over his urge to steal? Will he and Anita reconnect and start a romance, or will his online "friend" turn into more of a promising prospect? Will he continue his career as a writer and journalist? Will he ever be super successful? Are marriage and kids in the picture for him, or will the Dynasty family line end with Preston? Stay tuned to find out!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Dynasty Family Part 5 - Ch..Ch..Ch..Changes!

My sleepwalking and diarrhea continued....there was a whole lot of "more of the same" for a very long time. But eventually, my son Preston grew into the teen years!
Handsome young man, huh? I think he looks like his mother.
Not long after, Triple B made their transition over to childhood and I knew I was in for a wild ride with these three!
The party was going okay I guess........but then...... The birthday cake exploded!!!!!! What a nightmare! I really thought we were all gonna die!
After the fire was extinguished, the party was pretty much over.
But at least the girls got their cake! Brittany and Bridget still look alike, but they are very different in personality. It should be interesting to see what kind of teenagers they turn into when the time comes!
And of course there's oddball Bethany. I think she tries to look like her sister's so that she's not singled out. But she can't quite get there.
Brittany and Bridget are very close, which often leaves poor little Bethany alone.
But Bethany is very rescourceful! She likes to ask her friends for cash so she can buy candy at the corner store.
When they oblige her, she often asks for more.....
But if they have no money, she just asks them if she can mooch some food off them.
The girls seem to really be growing up fast!
Here's the layout of my house now, after the renovations we did.
We even have a dining room table now that fits almost all of us.
Though unfortunately some nights........this is the only available seat.
We were still struggling financially, so Preston offerred to get a part-time job to help us out. I didn't really want him to....I would rather him focus on his grades, but he's such a mature, good kid - I pretty much let him do what he wants.
He spends alot of time chatting with his friends - he's not as sociable as he was as a kid. Once he got a computer, it seems that is his life now!
Alot happened after the girls became kids. Heather decided to quit her job as the Mayor's personal assistant so that she could write full time. She was being paid for a few articles she submitted to the newspaper and magazines, and had even started working on her first novel! I was proud of her! She was really enjoying being home to take care of the house, cook, and be there when the kids got home from school. Financially, we were still struggling, but because everyone seemed happier in our family, the financial problems didn't seem as bad.
Things were going so well, in fact........that we were having woo hoo like crazy!
I had noticed Brittany and Bridget were really keeping Bethany out of the loop. They were whispering about her, and just generally not being very good sisters. I knew that this was what siblings sometimes do, but I worried for Bethany. One day I even caught Brit and Bridg plotting to put Bethany into the trashcan!!
Oh boy.......I think we know what this means. This could change everything.
Before we knew it, the girls were entering the teen years. I have dreaded this moment since the day they were born. Having 4 teenagers in the house, 3 of them's going to be a challenge.
So here they 3 angelic girls. Well, almost angelic. Bridget and Brittany are more on teh preppy side. They love boys, love talking about boys, they make decent grades, and did I mention they like boys? Bridget is very smart, she could be a straight A student, but she doesn't apply herself. She's too busy worrying guessed it....boys. And of course there's Bethany, my runt, the apple of my eye. She's definitely NOT like her sisters. She dresses wildly, wears glasses, has short hair instead of long hair, and has no interest in boys at all. She's not the best student though....and often talks about quitting school.

So what's next for this family? Preston is becoming a man, and starting with Part 6, our story will be told from his point of view. Will his parents ever stop having children? His father is getting older, and his mother isn't far will they care for their new baby (or will it be babies)? Will his sister's find happiness? Will Preston be able to land a good job when he graduates high school? Will all his online chatting actually lead to something good? Wait and see!